Humans of TIW: Camper Tania

Meet Tania, one of the many Two Islands Weekend campers. Not going to lie, Tania was a favourite last year. She and her friend Krista came in ready to get the party started, and their energy was contagious. She tells us about cabin mates, nicknames, laughing her ass off and why a weekend at camp was exactly what she needed.
Hello Tania! Tell us about yourself.
I lead the North America Recruitment function for Manulife! Born in 1975 so I guess that makes me 41 (yikes!)
I've been married, for 18 years! Jesus that’s a long time. We are really great pals and somehow manage to manage this insanity we have created! I think wine helps.
I have 4 kids – hence why TIW was so necessary for me. Lauryn is 15, Ellie is 14, Will is 10 and Ollie is 8, Georgia, oh and our Golden Retriever is 5. I practically live in arenas as the girls play rep hockey and boys play LAX – hard core sports mom! In fact, I left TIW on the Sunday and headed straight to the rink!
I have been recovering from a pretty rotten car accident including a head injury so I REALLY needed a little getaway – So even for those that are a bit cautious, if I can handle it, so can you!
Where are you from?
Born and raised in Barrie, B-dot, B-town – currently live in Toronto!
How did you end up attending Two Islands Weekend?
My bestie (of 35 years) Krista told me about it and it was pretty much signed, sealed and delivered!

So 2016 was your first year at TIW?
2016 was my first – I was a TIW virgin! But I will be back!
Did you ever go to summer camp in your youth?
Just day camp, which is really boring, all my kids go to overnight camp, my girls for a month each summer! I wish I had gone as a kid!
Tell us about your TIW camp crew.
OMG it’s a big crew! We were in G8!
First of all, Krista and I didn’t know anyone, but we literally had the best cabin of awesome chicks! A few decades were represented, and we all jived so well. We set up a Facebook group once we got our cabin list and the fun started. All the gals in our cabin were so much fun, we got cabin t-shirts made (thanks to Danielle) that said “Rise and Wine” because, well just because.
Tania (front) & Krista (back)
It was huge hugs from the minute we all met, and we spent the entire weekend hanging together. Now, that didn’t stop us from meeting some other amazing peeps!
There was the “couples” cabin, who we also spent a ton of time with, Amy was definitely one of my besties from camp that I met pretty much as soon as drinks started flowing.
Then – the very tall gorgeous gals! Brooke, Erin, Alex and their crew were the life of the party and taught me a thing or two (that I shouldn’t really mention here….)
To make a long story short, I had the best time with one of my oldest friends, however, we met so many awesome people that I have continued to keep in touch with!

Tania + a few of the G8 crew at the Hoser Dance Party at TIW2016
Do you have a song that reminds you of camp?
Time of your life – Green Day
What’s your favourite Two Islands Weekend activity?
Colour wars were pretty awesome! But cocktail hour was pretty damn good too! Oh, the eats, definitely the eats!
Top bunk or bottom bunk?
Bottom, I’m pretty clumsy!
Our camp mantra is Eat. Drink. Play...what’s your camp mantra?
Eat. Drink. Hydrate. Laugh your ass off. Dance your ass off. Repeat.

Serious friendship goals.
What’s your favourite Two Islands Weekend memory?
Damn, the people – I loved everyone I met. And who says when you are 41 you don’t need to meet new friends? I call bullshit! I didn’t stop smiling and laughing for 2 straight days!
Any advice for first time campers?
Just go expecting to have a great time. Don’t be shy. Bring out your inner kid, because you know you wanna.
Be a joiner, or don’t! There was no pressure to chock your day full of events, if you lead a busy life and just want to chill lake side, you can do that too – I loved that part!
"Eat. Drink. Hydrate. Laugh your ass off. Dance your ass off. Repeat."
What was the most surprising thing about Two Islands Weekend?
Despite the sometimes vast age difference amongst campers, I have never seen so many strangers rock it out and enjoy one another's company so much before. That alone made me smile so much!
Are we going to see you at TIW2017?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Describe your TIW experience in 5 emojis:
🍕 🍻 👙 💃 ( @ ^ @ ) ( last one is for my camp nickname – Tits Magee)
Can you see why we love this woman?