TIW's New Team of Talented Ladies

I'm excited to announce a big improvement to this year's Two Islands Weekend. After 5 years of planning camp by myself, I decided it was time to enlist the help of some of the talented females I know to take our weekend to the next level.

(L-R) Natalie, Kelli, Danielle, Michelle and Tracy | Photo: Front Of House Photography @FOHPhoto
Introducing our new team: Natalie, Michelle, Tracy and Kelli. You may recognize these ladies as Camp Counsellors at Two Islands Weekend. This team is made up of some of my friends and family that have gone above and beyond to make sure the weekend is always a success.
In previous years, here's where you've see them in action:
Natalie ran around camp with a walkie making sure everything is running smoothly. She's an accomplished photographer, and has taken countless photos of camp over the years including running our Hoser Photo Booth last year.
Michelle ran the kitchen at camp like a boss! It's not easy to make sure feeding 300+ campers and staff in a single sitting goes off without a hitch. Michelle should know, she does it three times a day all weekend long!
Tracy ran around capturing the weekend for social media but her real passion is for the Arts + Crafts table (or, as she insists on calling it, "Arts + Farts + Crafts.")
Kelli hosted the Colour War and Talent Show as one of the Head Counsellors. Each year at camp, she was at the gate officially welcoming campers! She also helped with social media year round.
We've already begun meeting regularly after work for the past few months to start planning and making moves. What has come out of it are a number of exciting accomplishments (not to mention a lot of empty pizza boxes) and we have our sights set on even bigger things to come! Even though Two Islands Weekend has proven to be a pretty fun weekend, there's always room for improvements. It's been really great to have more input, more help and be able to share in more high fives earned along the way. The excitement in the group is palpable! I hope you're excited too! I'm looking forward to sharing all the great things we have planned.
See you at camp!
- The TIW Team
p.s. Big thank you to Bobby Singh @ Front of House Photography